Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wiki Follow-Up

So I have decided this week that Wiki Creation is not my calling in life.


Our group works very well as a team. Initially when we decided upon our topic (Views on Death as Told by Early American Poets) we assumed that the information would be easy to gather and that the Wiki would be easy to create. Our format has changed multiple times, and is now entering into the final stages. We have created a home page that displays our four American Authors and Poets (Anne Bradstreet, Edgar Allan Poe, Michael Wigglesworth, and Edward Taylor.) From this page, viewers are able to naviage in various directions--
They may navigate to a page that displays biographical information about one of the aforementioned authors, or to a page that unveils the stance of each author in terms of belief in a higher power, belief in life after death, or the authors view: fear vs. acceptance of death. The greatest problem that we have run into up to this point is gathering in one meeting place. But, because each group member continues to be involved in the creation of the wiki, it is not that pressing of a problem. We have learned much about our own individual authors that we researched (Gabe=Anne Bradstreet, Me=Edgar Allan Poe, Ryan=Michael Wigglesworth, Caitlin=Edward Taylor.) But it has been really interesting to have discussion and collaborate with one another and determine how our indivual authors vary from one another. For instance, Bradstreet vs. Wigglesworth (Bradstreet harbors hesitation and skepticism; Wigglesworth is unsure about practically nothing.)
Our group will meet for the last time this week to finalize the wiki. Oh Happy Day!

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