Thursday, March 25, 2010

Poe...Death... Ravens... and Wikis.

This week our group decided to compose a wiki based on the views of death of respective American authors. We began to analyze the work of Wigglesworth and then went on to talk about the works of Bradstreet and Poe. Although all three authors have obvious fears, understandings, and opinions on death, similarities are also expressed. We plan to discuss Wigglesworth's adamant exploitation of judgment and the wrath of God as well as God's sovereign control over all aspects of life in comparison with Poe's fear of death and the concept of life after death. Bradstreet was deemed the "middle ground" as she was striving to break away from Puritan life but wanted her faith and belief in a higher power and an afterlife to be sustained. Because these three authors come from relatively different time periods, they will express different views on a common subject.